Welcome to the VDOMA website!
Our goal is to provide a place to share information and build community. We welcome your feedback. If there is information you would like to see included on the website, please click on the button below and let us know. |
Current Board Members
Judy Perkins - President Vacant - Vice President Aaron Williams - Treasurer Christina Williams - Secretary |
News and Announcements
Voting for the road paving proposal ended 10/30. We received votes for 260.29 of the 317 acres in our community. Here's the results: Total Yes votes: 43.79 Total No votes: 216.5 Our fall maintenance started Monday 11/4 and will take 3-4 days. A special shout out to Rudy Marquez, who pulled together a group of neighbors and Cibola residents to cut back brush along Cibola and the intersection of Vista Del Oro and Cibola on Tuesday 11/5. They did an amazing job! Thanks to all who participated for your time and hard work. |